
Peaches defeats Lump! (67% - 33%)

The Contenders:

"Lump" - The Presidents of the United States of America


"Peaches" - The Presidents of the United States of America

(featuring a ninja fight at 2:30!)

The Story:

Today we have another variation on yesterday's theme of, "How did this stuff get on the radio?"

"Lump" I guess is pretty catchy. But it's weird, man! Totally weird! And speaking of weird--"Peaches"? Really? I wouldn't have ever associated moving to the country with eating lots of peaches, but I guess it makes sense. And if it didn't before, it definitely does now.

Of course, these songs aren't popular because they're at all good. It's because they have one-word titles. This strategy is much less popular in music than it is in television.

I mean, think about it. Think of the names of your all-time favorite TV shows for a minute.

Lost. Heroes. Friends. House. Scrubs. Seinfeld. Frasier.

Cops. Dateline. Guts. Legendsofthehiddentemple.

Maybe all you have to do to make your song or show famous is give it a one-word title.

Sounds like a conspiracy, if you ask me.

At any rate, vote on the right!

1 comment:

  1. How could you forget the best show ever written!? Ed!
